  • idotihub@gmail.com
  • (+234)706 929 4683, (+234)813 863 0139

About Ido-ti
Bio Concept

IDOTI has develop an innovative waste-to-value chain using climate smart innovation to tackle global issues such as waste management, demand for protein, climate smart energy demand and environmental conservation by leveraging on bio-waste treatment, an attractive treatment option that offers a solution for waste management while also providing a protein source to help alleviate the rising global demand for animal feed using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) technology.We recycle organic waste into high protein feed, organic fertilizer and briquettes.

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# 55

Household Sensitized

# 6

Community Reached

# 35

Tonnes of Food Waste Processed

# 200

Farmers Trained

Special Offers



Our BIO_FEED product has been tested in our poultry and fish farm as well as our neighboring farms in our community



IDOTI has train over 200 farmers both women and youth using the BSF technology on how to raise and use BSF as feed supplements for livestocks. We have increase the production of feed to 400 tonnes per year. Our prototype has been tested in our poultry and fish farm, the egg production was increased by 20% more than the conventional feed, with fish attaining 350grms within 8weeks.

Farm Setup


What we do after training is to setup a BSF farm in the community where the farmers can access, we also provide BSF eggs for them to start operation on the farm. Our monitoring team will be there at intervals in all the production stages to provide mentorship and evaluation. After a successful cycle of Production. We encouraged the farmers by buying eggs and Larva from them to produce Livestock Feeds in our factory.

Our products




BSF Eggs




Bio fertilizer


Life BSF larvae

Our Team

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